By all accounts, 2020 has been an incredibly challenging year for all of us. Political tensions, racial unrest, global disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic have stretched us thin emotionally. As we turn another page on the calendar and look towards the holidays, many of us are starting to look forward to seeing friends and family. However, so many senior citizens in our community are facing the holidays with the knowledge that they may be alone this year. That breaks our hearts. We have some ideas to help senior citizens during COVID Christmas season?
- Send a handwritten note.
- Help them make a gratitude list to help focus on the positives in their life.
- Send a movie and microwave popcorn or make some homemade movies with family and friends to share with them.
- Organize a night for caroling outside their home or nursing home.
- Schedule video calls with old friends and family members.
- Offer to run errands for them.
- Have a routine to help you stay connected.
Small gestures like these will help the older adults in your life enjoy this holiday season while being safe. Take the time and check on each other, this is a tough time for everyone.