Resources to make life transitions easier
Looking for some resources to help before or after your move? Below we’ve listed sources for donations, service providers and information for older adults, and our trusted consignment locations. For any further information please contact us using the information below.
Change of Address Checklist

The following is a sampling of the agencies, businesses and contacts that will need your new address.
This list is designed as a starting point for you, as needs vary.
Canada Post
(to redirect mail)
Visit any post office outlet and provide photo id.
There is a cost and form to fill out to redirect mail for 6 months.
Canada Revenue Agency
Winnipeg Tax Centre
66 Stapon Rd
Winnipeg, Mb
R3C 3M2
Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security
Contact Service Canada at 1-800-622-6232
By mail Service Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0J9
BellMTS Home Services – 204-225-5687
Rogers (formerly Shaw) – www.rogers.com – 1-888-764-3771
Manitoba Hydro www.mbhydro.ca or Hydro 204-453-6712 Gas 204-480-5900
City of Winnipeg – Winnipeg Water & Waste, call 204-986-5858
Manitoba Public Insurance -204-985-7000
MB Health Card – https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/mhsip/mbcard.html
Financial Institutions
Private Pension
Insurance Policies
Streaming and Online Services (Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc.)
Rewards Programs
Magazine or Newspaper Subscriptions